Gifts from the Muses: Art and Poetry From the LPA

Lunar Pagans Alliance

Gifts from the Muses: Art and Poetry From the LPA
What We are About
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What can we say - anything that stirs the soul or challenges the mind is welcome in this place of grace.  Whether it be simply for glee or an expression of the deepest loneliness.  Feel free to contribute a sonet or phrase or perhaps a line of Divine praise.  We welcome one, we welcome all to our gracious Muses hall...

Here you shall find the poetry contributions.   Each poem will be on a page of its own.  Once we have more then and archive page will be formed.  Blessed be - the LPA team.

Free The Pain

Here you will find the links to the art contributions.  Each art piece will be on its own page.  Once we have quite a few accumulated then an archival page shall be created.  Blessed be - the LPA team.


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