What We are About

Lunar Pagans Alliance

What We are About
What We are About
Lunar Links

We are a group of Pagans trying to unite the rural and urban elements in our area...

Where are we:  right now our members are in Chipman, Fredericton, and surrounding areas...
What are we about:  as stated before we want and strive to unite the pagans in our area.
What's in the future:  We plan on releasing a newsletter for Mabon 2004.  We also have an online group and plan on interactive online meets, as well as, in person meet ups.  We would like to form a discussion group where pagans of all stages can meet up and discuss their views, etc, without bounds.  We also have an idea in the works for a Mabon festival in 2005, anyone interested should email us at one of the addresses provided on the home page.

Copyright © 2004 Lunar Pagans Alliance. All rights reserved. NO portion of this web site may be reproduced in whole or part, without the written permission of